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Operating Procedures for Walk-in Clients

Walk-In Clients

Whenever you walk into a KBSC Centre the following are what to expect:

Registration and Check-in: Arrive at the KBSC and proceed to the registration/check-in desk. A Staff member will provide you with the initial information on available services.

Needs Assessment: A dedicated officer will then conduct a brief needs assessment of your needs to establish your specific requirements. This assessment helps tailor the services provided to individual businesses.

Service Routing: Based on the needs assessment results, the officer will guide you to a relevant service counter within the KBSC. Clear signages and information boards will be available to direct you to different service desks.

Various government services related to business development are offered at designated counters within the KBSC. Services may include business registration, permits and standardization certificates, tax registration, business consultancy, access to financial assistance programs from relevant organizations among many others. At this service counter you will:

i.    Assistance with Forms and Documentation wherever necessary: Staff will also be available to assist you in completing the forms and ensuring all necessary documents are in order.

ii.    Document Submission and Verification wherever necessary: Business enterprises will submit required documents and applications to the respective service counters. Staff at these counters will verify and process the documents efficiently.

iii.    Consultation and Advisory Services: On a one-on-one basis, consultations regarding business opportunity, regulatory compliance, and other concerns that you may require will be offered by the staff.

iv.    Payment Processing: For government services that require payment, facilities for payment of fees and charges related to government services are available within the KBSC. The officer serving you will guide you on how to submit the required payment and payment options.

i. Service Tracking system: KBSC has a tracking system that tracks the progress of applications in place. Incase your concern/enquiry requires further external expeditions, the KBSC staff will take note of it and similarly redirect you to your next cause of action.

ii. Complaint Resolution: There is an established mechanism for handling complaints and disputes, with a designated officer responsible for resolving issues promptly.

iii. Follow-up and Feedback: KBSC keeps records of all business enterprises interactions and solicits feedback on service quality at the service desk and through follow up calls. KBSC will also be able to promptly furnish you with feedback of the service you requested for. You are also allowed to conduct follow-ups on the services provided.